Open/Close Menu Cassidy Law PLLC is a D.C. professional limited liability company with an office in DC. MM Cassidy Law is an Ohio limited liability company with an office in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Each entity is constituted under the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where the offices are located and is owned by the same principal. Both entities are law firms constituted to provide legal services to clients as defined in the terms of engagement between the Cassidy Law and the client.

The Position Cassidy Law is seeking an attorney with experience in providing tactical and strategic legal counsel to business clients on complex issues related to federal government contracting, national security, trade, export and anti-corruption to include defending businesses in criminal, civil or regulatory prosecutions as well as in government audits, investigations and disputes with the…

Given my practice area, people often ask me why people commit white-collar crimes. I ask myself this question; and, just as often, I ask myself how can I help my corporate clients mitigate the risks of committing a crime? Despite my lifelong quest to answer both these questions, I have no good answers. Unfortunately, the…

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