Open/Close Menu Cassidy Law PLLC is a D.C. professional limited liability company with an office in DC. MM Cassidy Law is an Ohio limited liability company with an office in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Each entity is constituted under the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where the offices are located and is owned by the same principal. Both entities are law firms constituted to provide legal services to clients as defined in the terms of engagement between the Cassidy Law and the client.

Margaret Cassidy has been appointed adjunct faculty at George Washington School of Law and she is loving it.  

There is an old saying that good lawyers run away from risk while good businesspeople run toward risk. Often businesspeople believe “no risk” means “no reward,” and lawyers think risk means disaster – orange jumpsuits, lawsuits, and bankruptcy. In reality, lawyers and businesspeople are both right, because not all risks are created equal. Many risks…

Click here to register This session covers an overview of the law behind government contracting which will enable businesses to both appreciate the requirements when developing business with a potential government client as well as the laws around performing a government contract. Attendees will learn about the unique requirements when contracting with governments including the…

Margaret Cassidy and John Cunningham, Partner, Baker McKenzie will be presenting a Strafford Publications Seminar: Third-Party Risk: Tailoring Contract Clauses, Covenants, and Certifications to Enhance Compliance in a Global Market Scheduled for: Wednesday, November 6, 2013 1:00pm-2:30pm EST Summary of Seminar As a result of the U.S. government’s heightened enforcement of the FCPA and related…

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