Open/Close Menu Cassidy Law PLLC is a D.C. professional limited liability company with an office in DC. MM Cassidy Law is an Ohio limited liability company with an office in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Each entity is constituted under the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where the offices are located and is owned by the same principal. Both entities are law firms constituted to provide legal services to clients as defined in the terms of engagement between the Cassidy Law and the client.

Some Detroit Public School (DPS) leaders may learn about detention first-hand for allegedly taking kickbacks from a businessman selling school supplies to Detroit schools.   According to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the owner of Allstate Sales (a business which sold school supplies to the Detroit schools) submitted fake invoices to some Detroit public…

Should You Start Your Own Law Firm? A Panel Discussion with Lawyers Who Did Panel Discussion Sponsored by University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law and the DC Bar Date & Time: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm CLE Credit: No Event Description**This is a free event, registration is…

    AVOIDING DOMESTIC CORRUPTION PROBLEMS All organizations, regardless of their size and the industries interact with foreign, federal, state and local governments.  Whether an organization does business with a government or is simply regulated by a government, the organization is exposed to the risk of corruption.  As a result of media attention to investigations…

          Get an overview of the problem  One of the most difficult challenges for commercial and business clients is to detect, prevent, and mitigate internal wrongdoing by employees. This program planned by a former high ranking agent of the Philadelphia Office of the FBI and an expert in white collar crime…

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