Open/Close Menu Cassidy Law PLLC is a D.C. professional limited liability company with an office in DC. MM Cassidy Law is an Ohio limited liability company with an office in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Each entity is constituted under the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where the offices are located and is owned by the same principal. Both entities are law firms constituted to provide legal services to clients as defined in the terms of engagement between the Cassidy Law and the client.

In my line of work, I collaborate with risk management executives a lot. I have learned much from them since they are indispensable to the process of conceptualizing and mitigating business risks and legal risks. When working through a challenging legal issue that may cause the &$%* to hit the fan, many risk management leaders…

Walking my dog the other day, I passed a “drug-free zone” sign and, smelling marijuana, smiled at the three guys standing there passing a joint. (Even with the new DC marijuana laws you still can’t light up on the streets, especially in front of the drug-free school zone.) The three guys were not just standing…

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