As U.S. defense contractors know it is not always easy, prudent or in some cases even legal to sell defense products, technologies and services to the defense ministeries of other countries. But, that does not mean a defense contractor can NEVER sell to other countries – you just need to know how to do it. That means understanding your legal requirements but also understanding how defense acquisition goes down in other countries.
One country, a friend and ally to the United States, Australia is teaming up with the U.S. Commercial Service to host a webinar on DEFENSE OPPORTUNITIES IN AUSTRALIA, Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 5:30 P.M. EST. Hear from folks in the U.S. Embassy in Australia and from Lockheed Martin Australia on Australia’s defense acquisition planning and related business opportunities including how to identify and how to bid on Australian defense work.
For those who have not turned to the U.S. Commercial Services for guidance and support on selling internationally – you should.
The U.S. Commercial Services is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration and has fabulous information for companies looking to sell internationally, to include selling to the defense ministeries of other countries. For example, CLICK HERE for its Australia Country Commercial Guide on the Defense industry in Australia. Here is how the Guide on the Australian Defense industry starts:
- This is a best prospect industry sector for this country. Includes a market overview and trade data.
So you can start your market research on Australia right there!
In addition to putting on webinars and writing up guidance, the U.S. Commercial Services have over 100 offices around the U.S. and more than 70 offices around the globe to provide companies support when selling internationally.
Finally, here is what the U.S. Department of State has to say on our alliance with Australia:
- Australia is a vital ally, partner, and friend of the United States.
- Our partnership promotes peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region and around the world.
GOOD NEWS for U.S. defense contractors. But, remember, don’t lose sight of the obligations in your U.S. federal government contracts and your export obligations when looking to sell to the Australia defense community. Make sure you know and follow those requirements – even when working with our friends in Australia.