I am excited and honored to be elected to a seat on the DC Bar’s Law Practice Management Steering Committee.
All newly elected officers, board members, and delegates will take office during the 2018 Celebration of Leadership: The D.C. Bar Awards Dinner and Annual Meeting on June 12 at the Mayflower Hotel, 1127 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.
About D.C. Bar
Enhance access to justice. Improve the legal system. Empower lawyers to achieve. These three pillars have remained the foundation of the D.C. Bar’s mission since its creation by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in 1972.
Today the Bar stands as the second-largest unified bar in the United States, providing the oversight structure needed to maintain the profession’s ethical standards and Rules of Professional Conduct. Our membership is diverse with about 100,000 members in all 50 states and more than 80 countries. The organization is governed by a Board of Governors, led by Patrick McGlone the Bar’s 46th president. (View a list of past presidents.) The leaders work together to achieve goals set out in the D.C. Bar’s strategic plan.
At the core of the Bar’s mission is the charge to not only assist members but to protect the public; it shapes the way the organization conducts its business and activities.