From the ABA: Once a voluntary initiative, corporate social responsibility has become a central element of a business’ value. Drawing on several subject-matter experts, legal professionals and others, The Lawyer’s Corporate Social Responsibility Deskbook: Practical Guidance for Corporate Counsel and Law Firms helps companies and their lawyers develop practical approaches to a corporate social responsibility program.
This comprehensive book was designed to provide both in-house lawyers and lawyers who advise businesses actionable ways to develop a corporate social responsibility program by covering a number of vital CSR initiatives a company should consider: governance and sustainability, working with governments, community relations, cybersecurity, stakeholder engagement, labor and supply chain practices and more.
“It was so professionally rewarding to work with the ABA and my co-editors to get this book published and has been so exciting to see the book for sale on Amazon.” Margaret M. Cassidy
You can learn more in the book about:
- The evolution of corporate social responsibility and the need for a practitioner’s manual.
- Governance and the role of the board in corporate social responsibility.
- Legal and regulatory requirements for community investment and protection of indigenous rights.
- Best practices for stakeholder engagement.
- Best practices to manage corporate social responsibility reporting and disclosure requirements
- Managing legal and regulatory requirements when developing an environmental sustainability program.
- Developing labor and supply chain practices and accountability to mitigate the risk of human trafficking and trade issues
- Using an ethics and compliance program to build robust corporate social responsibility
- How a responsible organization should manage cybersecurity risk
- The unique challenge of being a responsible corporate citizen when working with governments to mitigate risks of corruption