Open/Close Menu Cassidy Law PLLC is a D.C. professional limited liability company with an office in DC. MM Cassidy Law is an Ohio limited liability company with an office in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Each entity is constituted under the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where the offices are located and is owned by the same principal. Both entities are law firms constituted to provide legal services to clients as defined in the terms of engagement between the Cassidy Law and the client.

I cannot look back on the happenings of corporate crime these past few years without commenting on the best bond revocation of possibly ever.

Pharma Bro posted $5 million in bond to remain free pending his trial. (See 2018’s Most Noteworthy Conviction)

However, while out on bond, on his Facebook page, which has about 70,000 Facebook followers, Pharma Bro said that if someone was able to get some of Hillary Clinton’s hair, he would give them $5,000.

For this, the judge revoked his bond.  

Pharma Bro accomplished something unique with this move – he pissed off the judge, the prosecutors and even his own lawyer.

The intersection of law, business, criminal activity crime and ethics: why do some companies violate the law? what happens when they do? what is ethical? how do we get corporations to follow the law? can lawyers help and, if so, what is the lawyer’s role? Stay tuned, we’re going to address all of these issues and more in When the Writ Hits the Fan.

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